Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The best of roomies.

I love my house!  I have the best roommates EVER.  I'm not even exaggerating.  The four funniest dancers in the department all live under one roof right across the street from campus.  I never have to do ab workouts anymore because our constant laughter is doing the job. :)

We share food.  Cheap and Healthy. mmmm.  Mangos and Asian food.  GLORIOUS. 

She sums it up pretty well...  

Here are some QUOTES so you can get an even better glimpse into our lives.  (I'll probably post more throughout the year, brace yourselves.)  You probably won't understand... but trust me, we're hilarious. 

After we got a microwave: "I'm so excited!!! I can wax my face now!"

"I want you to cuddle me so hard!"

"The worst feeling in the world NEXT TO CONSTIPATION... is wearing tights that are too short for your legs"

"How do YOU know him?"  "same thing."  "He bit your tongue off!?!"

"Is he the one who made you shower EVERY DAY for  A WEEK???.... Yeah... I'd definitely call him a jerk."

"Sometimes I snort all the freaking time."

"... like... I wasn't just spewing out watery puss... cause usually that's what it is."

"meanwhile... under the willow tree."

"Is Dustin's sweat all over your body?"

"The things I do to accomodate Alex!"  
(shout out to Alex.. AKA Best Friend Alex... AKA BFA"Your butt looks good in sequins.". Thanks for putting up with our estrogen.)

"Your butt looks good in sequins."

That's about 1/100000000th of the laughter-inducing comments we make. Come visit us sometime- we're a hoot.  (but give us a 5 minute warning so we can get ourselves under control)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Why do attractive, smart, funny, charming men keep coming into my life...

...and leaving without getting my phone number???

Really!  It's getting old.

Sorry for the lack of decent post.  And that the post I did give you is kind of complain-y.  

Life is great. School is great. Dance is great. The gospel is great.  My roommates are great.  I'm great.

I'm just really really happy all the time. :)  

Friday, August 17, 2012

I get absolutely giddy about...

... a lot of things... but this post is about my profuse amount of love for........


Really... All summer I look forward to buying fresh school supplies.  I spend quite a hefty amount of time pacing back and forth in the aisles... carefully determining how I will organize myself each year.  I drift off into daydreams about school supplies.  It's serious business.  Here's this year's loot:

-3 Binders.  Craftily covered in scrapbook paper and labeled.  Because I have the most adorable school supplies.  
-1 perfect sized planner.  Monthly Calendars and daily sections with plenty of writing space.  Yet still compact.  I've been hunting for this all summer.
-1 ruler/3 hole puncher combo.  Definitely necessary to keep papers from getting lost (learned my lesson after last semester's "lose-17-out-of-my-20-pages-of-notes-the-night-writing-my-15-page-paper" fiasco.)
-2 sets of notecards - colored of course, to easily divide up subjects. -2 3 subject notebooks for my busiest classes.  1 that was ugly, so, naturally, I fixed that! 
-2 1 subject notebooks for my classes with less notes and assignments.   
-1 mini notebook to carry with me when I have a purse my planner won't fit in and need to write something down.
-TABS.  time saving wonder. 
-10 different colored pilot G2 pens, plus 4 colored and 6 black Pentel R.S.V.P. fine point pens.  Quality pens are a must - only the best for a poor college student.   
-An adorable pencil pouch.  ADORABLE.  How could you NOT buy that?  Plus, I lose pens like nobody's buzinas, so this was an investment - I'll be saving money by not buying more pens.  That's a justifiable purchase, right? right. 
-Zebra book cover - in honor of my roommate Beth.  

I'm not going to tell you how much I spent on all this... just remember that it was all NECESSARY (because yes.... 20 pens in various colors and an adorable pencil pouch are necessary.  I don't want to hear your arguments.)  Remember my post about how I was in thrift overdrive?  Yes... well.. I still haven't bought new shoes.. or jeans that fit... but thrift overdrive is definitely non-applicable when it comes to school supplies.   So.... since I just blew invested all my money in school supplies.... anyone want to donate to my shoe fund?  Or my glue-for-mending-shoes for the 8th time fund?  :)

How to be happy and love life... because I really do.

I've been thinking about writing this post for a while, but I was having a hard time coming up with the correct way to word it without going on a million tangents... I didn't figure out how to do that and still get my point I apologize for the overdose of Tiana wisdom you're all about to read, but I think it would be selfish of me to not share what I've learned..

This past few years I've slowly learned how to be happy.  Not that I was depressed before... but I often chose to focus on the negative things in my life, rather than the positive.

You know that song "Somebody That I Used to Know"?  Well... It has absolutely nothing to do with this post haha.. except for the line that resonates most with me:  "you can be addicted to a certain kind of sadness"  

I was addicted to a certain kind of sadness.  I never thought I wanted to be sad, I just felt like life was so hard.  I didn't date much, I didn't have as many friends as I wanted, I made mistakes, I didn't get along with my family like I wanted to, I didn't have all the clothes I wanted, I didn't look the way I wanted to, I had injuries to deal with, I had too much to do and too little time... etc.
I had the mentality that I had to persevere through life and get past all of these "huge" trials.  I blew things out of proportion A LOT, I cried A LOT, I complained A LOT, I frowned A LOT, I was jealous of others A LOT, I let myself feel inadequate A LOT.

This doesn't make sense at all,
but in my mind, having a harder life... somehow made me a better person.

I care a lot about what people think of me - I really like being admired and looked up to, and I easily let my view of myself be directed by how others perceive me.  (I know that's not smart... it's another thing I'm working on.) I thought that if I was pushing through all these trials people would think I was amazing for getting through them.  It took a lot of  self reflection and gaining a stronger relationship with my Heavenly Father and Savior to help me realize that deep down... I actually WANTED my life to be hard.  To my subconscious self, getting through trials was the only way to become a better person - more hard times = better me.

Well.. once I had that realization I saw that my subconscious was being ridiculously stupid.  What kind of person wants a hard life?  Who actually wants to have reason to be sad?

Acknowledging that I had the tendency to tell myself (and others) that my life was harder and more dramatic than it actually was helped me to turn my attitude around.   I've learned a few keys to happiness that I want to share and challenge you all to work on applying to your life.  (I'm sure you've heard most of them before, but I want you to actually DO something about it this time - I promise it's worth it)

Rule #1 Bite your tongue.  Hold back on any remarks that might hurt.  Unless it's truly constructive criticism that is necessary, don't say it.  Not just to people's faces, but also behind their backs.

Rule #2 Assume the best.  Don't assume people's actions were intended to hurt you. Don't assume people dislike you.  Assume they meant what they said or did in a non-offensive manner.  Assume there are circumstances you don't know about. Assume that people are good at heart.

Rule #3 Compliment others - and mean it.  Not to receive compliments in return...but to brighten their day.  Increasing someone else's self worth does not diminish your own - it increases it.

Rule #4 Take every opportunity you can to serve others and brighten their day.  (Kind of goes with #3 - you never lose, everyone gains)

Rule #5 Pray for a positive outlook.  So many people forget this in their prayers - I can't tell you what an impact it has made in my life to take this step.  I see so much more beauty, I love people (including myself) so much more, I feel closer to my Heavenly Father, and I am happier.

Rule #6 Stop whining.  I don't care what's going on in your life.  Stop vocalizing it so much.  I understand that sometimes you need to vent, or even have a good cry.  That's fine in SUPER SMALL DOSES... but don't dwell on it.

Rule #7 Don't take offense.  Even if they meant to offend you, dwelling on it and trying to hurt them in return never does anyone any good.

Rule #8 Talk about the positive.   Talk less about what you think is wrong with your life and more about what is right with your life.  When you think something is beautiful.. SAY IT,  when something great happens in your life SHARE IT.  Tell your friends and family, tell your Heavenly Father, and tell yourself.  Applying 6 and 8 together is an amazing recipe for happiness.

Rule #9 Be happy for others, not sad and jealous for yourself.  Many of you know that this past year I've had a few opportunities I would have loved to have experienced given to others - specifically... some of my best friends.  When I would mention this to people, they say "Oh,  she got that instead of you?  That must be hard".  It's true.  It's hard to see people get things you want, but I've learned that rather than focusing on the fact that I don't have it - focus on the fact that someone else's life just got a little better.  Let yourself be happy for them.  There's nothing wrong with rejoicing in the joy of  others,  but there's everything right with it.     Letting the happiness of others affect you is one of the best ways to forget your troubles.

Rule #10 Be grateful for the little things, and make them seem even greater than they are. Isn't the way the light hits those flowers beautiful?  Didn't that compliment make you feel great?  Don't you love the shirt you have on today?  Didn't you love that pasta you just had for dinner?  Find the small things and instead of blowing them off, be grateful. Always find the brightside.

Rule #11 Keep a gratitude journal. This goes hand in hand with #10.  Through what could have easily been one of the saddest times of my life, I forced myself to write down 3 things I was grateful for in my gratitude journal.  Best idea ever.

Rule #12 Minimalize the negative.  Don't let your feelings get hurt easily.  Don't act like your life is over because of an illness or injury.  Don't let negative self talk tell you you're not beautiful or worth it.

Rule #13 Stop thinking about yourself.  Be consumed with helping others.

Rule #14 Love everyone... and don't be afraid to show it.

Rule #15 Grow closer to your Heavenly Father.  It's pretty hard to be unhappy when you're full of his love and trying to show it.

I know there's more - but those are the basics.  Try them... really make a conscious effort.  The payoff is worth it.   I'm not perfect, I still cry sometimes, but I can honestly say I am happy at least 99% of the time.  I love my life.  I think it's amazing and wonderful - and I think anyone's life can be, with the right outlook.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sam's Birthday!

On this day the 8th of August, Google proclaimed that Samuel Raymond Eaton's birthday is, and shall be for the entirety of his existence, November the 4th. And it will be celebrated across the land, in Utah and Ohio, as a day of joy and of getting off work early in order to participate in a glorious evening of rucccus making and loud noises! Maybe even pinata whacking!

....One of our Rep's is having a birthday in November. And he said that Google had no idea when his birthday was. So I am trying to rig google, because we said that we found his birthday on Google. And he would like a picture of Google saying when his birthday is... So here is our attempt to make it happen! GOOD LUCK TO US!

Wouldn't you love to purchase a security system from this guy?

Ohio office is the best office! :)

Monday, August 6, 2012

I have the originality of a plain white t-shirt...

Yesterday as I was perusing facebook I came across this quote in my newsfeed:

"So you've got technique. That means nothing if you lack originality."

This quote is from the newest step up movie and actually got me a little fired up.  I can see the appeal of this quote, but I disagree.   When it comes to dance, I believe the most important thing is passion and heart, not necessarily originality. 

I think that the reason I got so frustrated about it was that this has been my issue with a lot of people's stance on life too, not just dance. 

You see... I'm a borrower.

I don't mean clothes, or tupperware, (although I do borrow those) I'm a borrow of traits and ideas.

If I see someone else doing something I like, I try to incorporate it into my... me.

There are simple things, like fashion, and words, that I follow.   I see someone dress a certain way and I like it, so I try to replicate it.  I hear somone use a quality word, and I start saying it. 

...then there are the bigger things, the more abstract things,

I see someone who's optimistic and I decide to be more positive.

I see someone who always treats others with kindness, and I try to be nicer.

I hear a new perspective that changes my ideas, and I adopt it as my own.

I watch someone do something courageous, and I try to braver.

I see someone make a difference, and I strive to have a greater impact.

I'm not a unique person.  I'm the result of the observations I've made in other people and tried to become myself. 

Some of you might think it sounds like I have low self esteeem because I don't think I'm unique.  That's not true.  I'm an individual, but I'm the sum of many things borrowed, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

I may be the most ordinary person on the planet. I honestly don't think that I have one unique thing about me... but I have a lot of heart, and I try to be a good person.  There are a million other people out there who are trying to be good people, and that's okay with me.  I will not be different just for the sake of being different.  I will be the me I want to be, even if I'm not original. 

Why would I try to be completely different when there are so many wonderful examples around me to learn from? 

Aren't we supposed to be striving to be as Christlike as possible anyway?  If we're all trying to be like Him we may be a little more similar, but I think it would still be a pretty amazing world. :)

***As a sidenote:  I promised my coworker I would blog about how great it was that we all chipped in and got Little Caesars today.  Deliciuosly greasy office bonding. Quality stuff.  There ya have it Sam! :)***

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Awkward dates, episode #1

The other day I was giving a friend of mine a brief run-down of my dating history because... it's so terrible, it's hilarious.  So, of course, I decided you all deserved to hear too!  In order to avoid another incredibly long blog post (because we all know tangents and run on sentences are my speciality) I'm going to have a few different "episodes"
 (I'm only including dates that are at least a year old - because I figure those will be relatively safe to post without ruining anyone's reputation.... but keep stalking this blog because a year from now I'll be posting about the best one yet!)

-First (and as a result ONLY) "blind date": Back in high school I had a friend (for the stake of the story we'll call her "cuddlebuns" ask me and my best friend Chell to join her on a group date - you see, she had a boy toy who lived about a half hour away and her parents wouldn't let her go on a date with him unless accompanied by responsible young ladies like Chell and myself.  Terrible. 
  • When we walked in (since we drove out to them - because none of them had their licenses yet, because they were the most unmotivated slugs in the universe), they were too busy playing Call of Duty to stand up or introduce themselves - GREAT start.   We managed to squeeze some names out of them, but I'll admit I forgot which slug was which about 10 minutes into the date.
  • Boys sat on one side of the couch, girls on the other side, with Cuddlebuns and boy toy in the middle.... cuddling (because she's a cuddlebuns, get it?).  This resulted in Chell and I not knowing who we were each on a date with - which, normally... would have been terribly awkward, but since they were wrapped up in their videogaming/staring at scantily clad women to speak to us, it really didn't matter.
  • The "date" consisted of:  1.Watching the boys play COD.  2. Watching (part of) a vulgar movie with scantily clad women and crude jokes (Chell and I were too classy to watch the entire thing) 3. Watching the boys play guitar hero.  4.A little bit of awkward "non-conversation" 5. running upstairs as frequently as possible to "get a glass of water"  (aka plot our escape.)  6. Walking ourselves out to the car. 
  • At one point in the evening one of the slugs actually made this comment: "Hey, you girls should go make us some popcorn or somethin, kitchen's upstairs." (while they were Call of Dutyin' it up)   - I'm ashamed to admit that we were so desperate to get out of the room that we actually took the suggestion. 
  • After the date, one of the slugs asked boy toy to text cuddlebuns to ask me (because yes, we were apparently in 3rd grade at the time, it's fine.) if I would go out with him (because clearly my popcorn-making skills and ability to drink 10 glasses of water in one evening are very attractive)  I'm still not sure if that was the slug that was supposed to be my date or the one that was supposed to be Chell's....  either way.... ?What the.....???????