Thursday, September 20, 2012

The way-too-previous adventure...

Hey, remember how I went and danced in China like... over a year ago? 
Well, while I was there I sent out weekly emails to people who love me/ love to stalk me so that they could stay updated on my life.  Every once in a while a funny comment would pop out and people would say "OHEMGEE Tiana you are SOOOO funny!" (not quite in that lingo though, because mostly they were Aunts and Uncles and Grandparents) and then I sent my follow up email out and some people were like "You should write a book about what you learned on your adventures!"  But... I don't actually think that anyone would read that book... I definitely wouldn't.  So... as much as I know you were all dying to turn my emails into a best seller... NO BOOK.  

I did however, promise those peeps that I would convert my emails into a blog that has pictures included so that they could read it.  

So I started doing that... earlier this week.  

Because I might have a SLIGHT procrastination problem. 

So really no one cares that I went to China and had awesome experiences anymore.  

But I promised.  

So... here's the blog:

It's not very juicy yet... but I'm going to try to post something every day, and I think in about a week I'll be posting the one about squatters, that one was pretty clever.

There will probably be no one who reads it, because it's kind of boring and in the past.. but I promised, so I'm posting this little link in case someone decides to read my blog one day and sees this and thinks "Wow!  I'm so super bored I want to read about stuff that happened a year ago on the other side of the world!".

I'll write a real blog post someday.  Sorry they've all been lame as of late (I mean really.. school supplies??? I blogged about SCHOOL SUPPLIES????? Oh well, what's done is done.)

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