A few of you have been asking for another post because my life is so exciting and entertaining that apparently all you want to do all day is read about it (tangent: Thanks for that... no, really. I appreciate the fact that my measly group of 20ish followers are so dedicated to reading this even though I hardly ever write anything. You folks are swell.
So.. you want a new post?
.... well, too bad.
My brain is at a very low functioning level right now due to my lack of sleep and the fact that I'm living on Carnation instant breakfasts and peppermint ice cream at this stage in my life. I simply can't write anything worth wasting your time reading at this point in time.
BUT... Never fear, dedicated stalkers! I have not forgotten you and your need to be enlightened and entertained.
Which is why I have provided for your reading pleasure... links to the following hysterical blogs:
Both of these blogs are fantastic. Really, if you liked my crazies and marriage post, or any of my awkward stories about my single life, you will LOVE these.
You're welcome.
p.s. yes... I know I have run-on sentences and other grammar mistakes. I see them. They're staying.
LDS. Dancer. Health Coach. Lover of life, laughter, and peanut butter ice cream. Attracter of all things awkward.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 22, 2012
EVERY YEAR. (Awkward family photos)
In case you needed a good laugh... here's a glance at our most recent family photoshoot.
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mocking Bryce... he is the most dramatic child you will ever meet. |
Every year, without fail, someone cries throughout the entire process.
Which means every year I laugh my way through this experience.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Sorry if this post is a little long... I think it's important for both guys and girls and I hope everyone can learn/be reminded of something.
I'm sick of piggish boys thinking it's fine to act disrespectful. It's wrong and I will not tolerate it.
I had an interesting evening yesterday.
I was minding my own business... just catching up with some friends on Facebook while I tried to fix something on my computer.
Suddenly, Skype went off telling me I had a notification.
I had been randomly added to a conversation with a huge group of people, by some kid I barely knew in high school who somehow ended up in my skype contacts.
I started reading, trying to figure out what was going on, and was absolutely APPALLED by the things these boys were saying. There was some definite"bro-talk" going on.
I couldn't figure out how to get out of the conversation and stop getting notified every time someone said something. (I was waiting to chat with a friend on skype otherwise I would have just closed out of the program completely - I probably should have still done that.) Finally, I just asked "What is this? " "Why am I in this conversation?"
All this did was get the boys' attention to the fact that there was a girl none of them knew (or at least, knew they knew), who was somehow in this conversation.
Instead of stopping their "locker room talk", they turned it on me.
Rude comments were made... Not only about me, but to me. I was asked to perform sexual favors and send inappropriate pictures... I was horrified by the fact that these boys were actually saying these things to me, and not one of them was standing up against the others.
All I kept asking was how to get out of the conversation. None of the boys would tell me. They just kept egging each other on as the comments got worse and worse. I probably should have left, but I was mad and I didn't want these boys to get away with thinking this was okay.
I gave them a SMALL piece of my mind (should have given them more), but they still kept going.
Finally, some boy took pity on me and removed me from the conversation, since I couldn't figure out how to do it myself.
I was ticked. I was beyond ticked, I was livid.
Yes, I am aware they were joking. Yes, I understand that was "bro-talk", and I've heard that "boys will be boys." That does not make it okay.
After texting a friend about what happened, I found out that these boys were all preparing to serve missions, some had even received their calls already.
A few of the boys hunted me out on Facebook and messaged me to apologize afterwards.
I didn't tell those boys everything I wanted to, in fact I wish I would have said more.
I did, however, tell these boys that what they did was not okay under any conditions. Peer pressure is not an excuse to turn any girl into an object. I let them know that I was disappointed when I learned that they were preparing to serve missions. I explained that it is NEVER okay to talk to OR around a woman like that.
Then I told them I accepted their apology.
That was hard. Most of the apologies didn't seem very genuine. I wasn't ready to let "I'm sorry" be enough... but I'm not going to let myself have that hate in my heart. Thankfully it's my job to forgive, not to judge.
I said something to those boys,I tried to get them to understand how inappropriate their behavior was. But, let's be real. I doubt it really had an impact on them, and even if it did, there are still so many other guys out there just like them. So I'm writing this post and hoping maybe THIS reaches someone.
Here are my takeaways from this experience:
1. It is NEVER okay to speak crudely around, or to a girl/woman. NEVER.
2. It is NEVER okay to turn women into an object. Whether you say these disrespectful things to their face or behind their back, you are still in the wrong.
3. I know it must be hard to find friends who don't act like this. Too bad. You should care more about having a good relationship with your Heavenly Father anyway, He's the one whose opinion really matters. Sometimes you have to stand alone, man up and do it.
4. NEVER use peer pressure as an excuse for your behavior. I understand it's hard. That doesn't make it okay. Be the standout who stops disrespect.
Guys, try a little harder to deserve us. We'll do our best to be worth the extra effort.
(I thought I'd try pin-language first to get my point across)
1. Be careful who you date. You don't want someone who's going back and participating in "locker room talk" with his buddies about you after you hangout.
2. DO NOT LET GUYS GET AWAY WITH THIS. Seriously. It sounded to me like conversations like this had happened between these boys before with a girl involved. Why do these boys think it's okay to ask these things or make those comments? Aren't they getting shut down hardcore each time they say something like that? Apparently not. I guess us girls are sending the message that it's okay. STOP.
-Call them out. If a guy is acting disrespectful and you don't like it, tell him.
- Stop rewarding their bad behavior. Don't laugh it off like it's no big deal and keep hanging out with the guys, leave.
3. Don't do anything at all to encourage them. Specifically, watch your language and dress modestly. Not because "boys will be boys" and it's our job to make it easier on them, but because you should have more self respect than that. You don't need attention from the guys who want you because you show a lot of skin, or because you can crack a dirty joke. You need attention from guys who think you are amazing. You need attention from the guys who would be mad to see anyone treat you with a even a tiny sliver of disrespect.
They're out there, girls. Those guys worth dating. Those men who think you're worth staying clean for. The boys who care enough about you and their Heavenly Father to stand up for you, instead of joining in the "bro-talk". Be patient. Wait for them. The more we as women settle for being treated like dirt, the more they will treat us that way.
Attention from a guy is not the most important thing in the world. You can wait until you find one who gives you the right attention.
Let's all decide to not let things like this happen anymore. The reason instances like this have become normal and acceptable is because we let them.
I'm sick of piggish boys thinking it's fine to act disrespectful. It's wrong and I will not tolerate it.
I had an interesting evening yesterday.
I was minding my own business... just catching up with some friends on Facebook while I tried to fix something on my computer.
Suddenly, Skype went off telling me I had a notification.
I had been randomly added to a conversation with a huge group of people, by some kid I barely knew in high school who somehow ended up in my skype contacts.
I started reading, trying to figure out what was going on, and was absolutely APPALLED by the things these boys were saying. There was some definite"bro-talk" going on.
I couldn't figure out how to get out of the conversation and stop getting notified every time someone said something. (I was waiting to chat with a friend on skype otherwise I would have just closed out of the program completely - I probably should have still done that.) Finally, I just asked "What is this? " "Why am I in this conversation?"
All this did was get the boys' attention to the fact that there was a girl none of them knew (or at least, knew they knew), who was somehow in this conversation.
Instead of stopping their "locker room talk", they turned it on me.
Rude comments were made... Not only about me, but to me. I was asked to perform sexual favors and send inappropriate pictures... I was horrified by the fact that these boys were actually saying these things to me, and not one of them was standing up against the others.
All I kept asking was how to get out of the conversation. None of the boys would tell me. They just kept egging each other on as the comments got worse and worse. I probably should have left, but I was mad and I didn't want these boys to get away with thinking this was okay.
I gave them a SMALL piece of my mind (should have given them more), but they still kept going.
Finally, some boy took pity on me and removed me from the conversation, since I couldn't figure out how to do it myself.
I was ticked. I was beyond ticked, I was livid.
Yes, I am aware they were joking. Yes, I understand that was "bro-talk", and I've heard that "boys will be boys." That does not make it okay.
After texting a friend about what happened, I found out that these boys were all preparing to serve missions, some had even received their calls already.
A few of the boys hunted me out on Facebook and messaged me to apologize afterwards.
I didn't tell those boys everything I wanted to, in fact I wish I would have said more.
I did, however, tell these boys that what they did was not okay under any conditions. Peer pressure is not an excuse to turn any girl into an object. I let them know that I was disappointed when I learned that they were preparing to serve missions. I explained that it is NEVER okay to talk to OR around a woman like that.
Then I told them I accepted their apology.
That was hard. Most of the apologies didn't seem very genuine. I wasn't ready to let "I'm sorry" be enough... but I'm not going to let myself have that hate in my heart. Thankfully it's my job to forgive, not to judge.
I said something to those boys,I tried to get them to understand how inappropriate their behavior was. But, let's be real. I doubt it really had an impact on them, and even if it did, there are still so many other guys out there just like them. So I'm writing this post and hoping maybe THIS reaches someone.
Here are my takeaways from this experience:
1. It is NEVER okay to speak crudely around, or to a girl/woman. NEVER.
2. It is NEVER okay to turn women into an object. Whether you say these disrespectful things to their face or behind their back, you are still in the wrong.
3. I know it must be hard to find friends who don't act like this. Too bad. You should care more about having a good relationship with your Heavenly Father anyway, He's the one whose opinion really matters. Sometimes you have to stand alone, man up and do it.
4. NEVER use peer pressure as an excuse for your behavior. I understand it's hard. That doesn't make it okay. Be the standout who stops disrespect.
Guys, try a little harder to deserve us. We'll do our best to be worth the extra effort.
(I thought I'd try pin-language first to get my point across)
1. Be careful who you date. You don't want someone who's going back and participating in "locker room talk" with his buddies about you after you hangout.
2. DO NOT LET GUYS GET AWAY WITH THIS. Seriously. It sounded to me like conversations like this had happened between these boys before with a girl involved. Why do these boys think it's okay to ask these things or make those comments? Aren't they getting shut down hardcore each time they say something like that? Apparently not. I guess us girls are sending the message that it's okay. STOP.
-Call them out. If a guy is acting disrespectful and you don't like it, tell him.
- Stop rewarding their bad behavior. Don't laugh it off like it's no big deal and keep hanging out with the guys, leave.
3. Don't do anything at all to encourage them. Specifically, watch your language and dress modestly. Not because "boys will be boys" and it's our job to make it easier on them, but because you should have more self respect than that. You don't need attention from the guys who want you because you show a lot of skin, or because you can crack a dirty joke. You need attention from guys who think you are amazing. You need attention from the guys who would be mad to see anyone treat you with a even a tiny sliver of disrespect.
They're out there, girls. Those guys worth dating. Those men who think you're worth staying clean for. The boys who care enough about you and their Heavenly Father to stand up for you, instead of joining in the "bro-talk". Be patient. Wait for them. The more we as women settle for being treated like dirt, the more they will treat us that way.
Attention from a guy is not the most important thing in the world. You can wait until you find one who gives you the right attention.
Let's all decide to not let things like this happen anymore. The reason instances like this have become normal and acceptable is because we let them.
law of chastity,
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Bye bye, Baby!
So my sister texted me earlier this week and said "I just can't hold it in anymore... I have to tell you. I'm so twitterpated by this boy! He's funny and cute and.. blah blah blah" ... what I took this as, is "I think this boy I see around campus is really cute and maybe I talked to him once" ... I didn't think they were actually interacting!!!
A few days later she texted me to tell me
My initial reaction?
I called her a liar.
Totally didn't believe her, hurt her feelings - my bad.
The next day, she called and told me the story and that they had decided they wanted to be in a relationship.
What did I do?
Why did I sob?? I don't know.... part of me was so happy for her that she finally has a guy she cares about that cares about her. Part of me was jealous, I won't lie. Part of me went, "She's my baby sister! She can't have a boyfriend, she's too young for this!!". Part of me thought, "What if she gets married and I lose her?????" The last part of me said "What if she gets hurt?"
All of these emotions came out in the form of tears.
Is this normal??
No! Not even for me. This was the most girly, Relief-Society style moment I have had in over a year.
Anyway... that's what's new in my life. My sister has a significant other and I don't know how to handle it. All I can say is that he better not hurt my baby sister.
Also... if I felt so conflicted and dramatic over her relationship... I should probably never have a boyfriend. CLEARLY it would be unhealthy.
Who's up for starting a Mormon convent?
A few days later she texted me to tell me
My initial reaction?
I called her a liar.
Totally didn't believe her, hurt her feelings - my bad.
The next day, she called and told me the story and that they had decided they wanted to be in a relationship.
What did I do?
Why did I sob?? I don't know.... part of me was so happy for her that she finally has a guy she cares about that cares about her. Part of me was jealous, I won't lie. Part of me went, "She's my baby sister! She can't have a boyfriend, she's too young for this!!". Part of me thought, "What if she gets married and I lose her?????" The last part of me said "What if she gets hurt?"
All of these emotions came out in the form of tears.
Is this normal??
No! Not even for me. This was the most girly, Relief-Society style moment I have had in over a year.
Anyway... that's what's new in my life. My sister has a significant other and I don't know how to handle it. All I can say is that he better not hurt my baby sister.
Also... if I felt so conflicted and dramatic over her relationship... I should probably never have a boyfriend. CLEARLY it would be unhealthy.
Who's up for starting a Mormon convent?
Friday, November 9, 2012
Bright sides
I feel like I've been kind of negative lately. I'm so sorry for those of you who have had to be around that. Time to fix it! Step one: Blog about how amazing my life is!
- How many times can I tell you how awesome my roommates are? Not enough! The other day after a long rehearsal, following a night of very little sleep, I was hungry and I got SO cranky. Out of control grumpy, most people would have SMACKED me. What did my roomies do? They walked away and laughed. Then when I apologized later, they laughed with me. Exactly what I need, people who laugh at me when I'm being ridiculous, instead of getting frustrated about it. THANKS GIRLS.
- I have a job I love. I seriously look forward to going to work every day. :)
- I get to do what I love all day, every day. I get to study dance! How many people get to dance around all day for their education?
- I have the most wonderful professors I could ever dream of. Strict and dedicated, yet hilarious and relaxed. They really are just the greatest human beings. Not only do they teach me in the classroom. They also work outside the classroom to take my education to the next level. They provide me with wonderful opportunities, experiences, and advice. Love those guys.
- I had a biology test I was completely unprepared for, plus 5 homework assignments that I was only halfway finished with due in my class this Tuesday. I also had rehearsal, work, and TONS of stuff I needed to get done. I was adding up the hours I would need to complete everything and freaking out because I didn't understand how I could possibly get it done. Well.. on Tuesday (when I still had 2 assignments to do and had barely studied) my biology teacher decided to move the homework date to THURSDAY. Guess what that meant... I GOT TO SHOWER!!! (and study more) I know that showering doesn't sound like a big deal, but I really was thinking I'd have to go until Friday before I had those extra 10 minutes. It's hilarious, but it's a blessing. I really did get teary eyed when I found out about that tender mercy Heavenly Father gave me.
- I am performing in a BEAUTIFUL dance concert this weekend. I am so grateful to have been chosen to perform in such stunning pieces from these choreographers. I really have loved the whole process of putting this concert together. Tonight was our opening night and it went great! Hopefully you can all come see it soon, it's definitely worth your time. :)
- Heavenly Father has blessed me with so many ways to help people this week! Back massages, simply listening, praying and fasting for someone I love, helping a friend hunt down a mouse in her apartment, bringing friends Ben and Jerrys for some comfort... I have had so many opportunities. I really tried this week to find ways to help people, without their asking.Do you have any idea how happy that makes me? So happy. Sure, my wallet may be lighter, my arms may be sore, and I may have had a few hours less sleep each night... but I can tell you the feeling I got from knowing that I had made someone else's life a little brighter, outweighed all of those. Service is such a blessing!
- I finally found a *cheap* pair of leggings for dance. BIG DEAL. I'm in love with these things.
- I haven't had to pull an all-nighter yet this week. Things keep unexpectedly working out so that I get at least a few hours of sleep each night. Thank goodness!
- None of my injuries have been acting up very much this concert. The only issues I've had have been super minor and haven't impacted my dancing at all. Seriously, a miracle.
- My lovely roommates let me borrow their clothes. THIS IS A BIGGIE. I am literally down to underwear and less than 5 too-tight T-shirts. It's bad. I haven't had a chance to do laundry, but guess what.... it's okay! Because my roommates are the nicest people on the planet and they allow me to borrow their shirts to make it through.
- It hasn't gotten very cold yet... so we haven't had to turn on our heater! Hooray for saving on our energy bills!
- I had a GREAT day in ballet the other day. I danced really really well.. better than I have in months. It just felt so great to know I was doing my best and it was showing. :)
I could keep going for at least another hour I'm sure... but I'll wrap it up there.
DANG. My life is good. :)
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Don't be hatin'.
There's something that has really been driving me nuts about people in general lately....
it's the way we sometimes let jealousy make us hate a person.
I don't get it.
Why does someone being successful mean we can't like him/her?
***"She makes every audition she tries out for... so I hate her."
"He gets to go on that trip I want to go on, and I don't think he deserves it... so I hate him."
"She gets every guy... so I hate her."
That's logical, right?
Let's stop, because it's really annoying.
I mean, thank goodness I've never been too insanely successful in my life, because apparently everyone would hate me for it.
What do we want them to do?? Turn the opportunities down? Stop applying? Stop auditioning? what?!? What about that deserves our hate?
Hint, hint... It doesn't!
So stop it. Be a grown up and learn that even though sometimes you may want what someone else has... that doesn't mean they are a bad person for having it.
Really... sometimes human logic just gets on my nerves.
***All three of those are things I have seriously heard within the last two weeks. LEGITIMATE COMMENTS made by people. IN COLLEGE!!! Grow up!
(If you're reading this and you are one of the people who said these things to me... I love you, really. But, seriously?!?)
(Also, I would like to clarify that I am not referring to when people are joking around "you're beautiful. I hate you." It happens. Maybe not the most mature thing.. but we all know when it's a joke)
ALSO!!! Sorry that I never edit my posts anymore. When I'm writing real papers I am a grammar/spelling NAZI. But... I don't blog with the same care.... and I tend to blog when my insomnia is kicking in enough that I'm awake but don't have the mental capacity to do homework, so here you have it. A post that will probably make no sense in the morning. GOODY!
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