Saturday, November 3, 2012

Don't be hatin'.

There's something that has really been driving me nuts about people in general lately....

it's the way we sometimes let jealousy make us hate a person.

I don't get it.  

Why does someone being successful mean we can't like him/her?

***"She makes every audition she tries out for... so I hate her."  

       "He gets to go on that trip I want to go on, and I don't think he deserves it... so I hate him."

       "She gets every guy... so I hate her."

That's logical, right?


Let's stop, because it's really annoying.  

I mean, thank goodness I've never been too insanely successful in my life, because apparently everyone would hate me for it. 

What do we want them to do?? Turn the opportunities down?  Stop applying? Stop auditioning?  what?!?  What about that deserves our hate?  

Hint, hint... It doesn't!

So stop it.  Be a grown up and learn that even though sometimes you may want what someone else has... that doesn't mean they are a bad person for having it.

Really... sometimes human logic just gets on my nerves.

***All three of those are things I have seriously heard within the last two weeks.  LEGITIMATE COMMENTS made by people.  IN COLLEGE!!! Grow up!  

(If you're reading this and you are one of the people who said these things to me... I love you, really.  But, seriously?!?)

(Also, I would like to clarify that I am not referring to when people are joking around "you're beautiful. I hate you."  It happens.  Maybe not the most mature thing.. but we all know when it's a joke)

ALSO!!! Sorry that I never edit my posts anymore.  When I'm writing real papers I am a grammar/spelling NAZI.  But...  I don't blog with the same care.... and I tend to blog when my insomnia is kicking in enough that I'm awake but don't have the mental capacity to do homework, so here you have it.  A post that will probably make no sense in the morning.  GOODY!

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