Sunday, October 7, 2012

about that missionary age-change announcement...

I am so excited about the new age change! 

I wasn't able to watch conference on Saturday due to a dance competition I was helping to run, but I went home and watched the video of the announcement that night. 

Can I just say... WOW.  Powerful stuff.  The moment President Monson started speaking, I felt the spirit so strong it just squeezed the tears right out of me. 

Here's the clip for those of you who missed it:

I can already imagine the benefits of these changes...   

People who were worried about taking time out of the middle of school can now leave before their schooling starts at all.  

More young girls on their missions might mean less of them rush into marriage right out of high school.

I've seen a lot of great young men head off to their freshman year of college with every intention of going on a mission afterward, and end up getting caught in the wrong crowd and changing their mind, often changing everything about their lives.

and so many other great things..


I'm a little bit worried. 

I'm worried because of the number of facebook statuses I saw from young girls saying they have suddenly decided to serve a mission because it's more convenient.   I also saw comments from people saying things like:  "A mission is always the right choice!"  or, "Go on a mission!"

Don't get me wrong, I understand that some people may have felt The Spirit testify to them very strongly during General Conference that this is right for them.  Some may have even been preparing for their mission in a few years, and be grateful that they can now leave sooner.  I think missions are great, and I know sister missionaries do amazing things in the field. 

But to all those young girls now considering going on a mission, please, please, PLEASE.. include Heavenly Father in your decision.  Not only on whether or not a mission is right for you, but what the right timing is for you.  

In the press conference following the announcement, authorities made it very clear that missions are NOT a requirement for young women, they are an option.  Not because some people aren't worthy or good enough for a mission, but because they are not for everyone. 

I, for example, LOVE the idea of serving a mission.  I would love to dedicate a year and a half of my life to Heavenly Father and spreading his love.  I think it would be an amazing experience that would help me grow as a person.  I have prayed to Heavenly Father about serving a mission and have always gotten a very clear "NO."  The impression that I have been given is that there is work Heavenly Father wants me to do here instead.  The issue is not a desire to serve, or lack of testimony.  The reason I'm not going on a mission is because I want to serve in the best way I can, and I know that Heavenly Father knows what that best way is.  So I'm trusting him.  I'm trusting that what he wants for me is not what everyone might think is the best. 

To those of you who are influences in the lives of these young girls:  instead of encouraging them to serve missions.  Encourage them to develop a relationship with Heavenly Father, and then talk to him about whether or not that is the right decision for them.   Encourage them to trust him, even if the answer he gives them isn't what one would naturally assume is best. 

To all you single RMs (and not-RM but.. in the marrying stage of life) out there:  STOP valuing return sister missionaries above the rest of us.  I have met several amazing young men who will only date return missionaries.  It ticks me off.  Because I followed Heavenly Father's plan for me, and it didn't involve one specific path, guys won't date me.  I imagine this problem will get much worse as it gets easier for young women to go on missions.  Don't fall into the trap of thinking that return missionaries are better than the rest of us, or that they are automatically stronger.  

I admire return missionaries, but many of the greatest women I have ever met did not serve missions.  Everyone please be respectful of people's decisions, as long as they involve the Lord I know they will be correct. 

** On a lighter note...... all these girls leaving might mean less overwhelming selection for the guys, and more dates for me - three cheers for free food and good company! :) 


  1. Oh my goodness SO true! I love you and all the things you aren't afraid to say! Thanks for writing from the heart and by the Spirit. Inspiring.
