Monday, May 12, 2014

Kids say the darndest things.

A few weeks ago my mom sent me an email with a list of memories she had written down while I was growing up. If you're a parent, I highly recommend doing this and surprising your kid with it some week when they're having a hard time with life... definitely did the trick and got me smiling. Of course once I found out how adorable I was as a child I decided that I had to brag about my cute childhood self and give you all the chance to laugh at some of these moments too. Enjoy. :)
1 week old – Tiana was lying on top of the covers on top of Dad’s chest.  The phone rang and Dad snapped the covers which sent Tiana flying to the bottom of the waterbed.  She didn’t even wake up, but it sure scared her Mom and Dad.

2 years old – when Tiana was turning 2 she had her cousins Danielle, Melissa, and Devin Jones over to celebrate her birthday.  She had 4 presents from her Mom & Dad.  When we gave her the presents, she gave one to each of her cousins to open then opened one herself.  We tried to tell her they were all for her but she just didn’t care or want that.

Don't try to tell me you didn't just say "awww" in your head as you read that. I know that pulled at your heartstrings

2 years old – Tiana’s prayers by self after Tomlinson’s dog was ran over.  “Help me be good.  Help me be nice to people and gentle.  Help me be careful to not cross the street and Roxanne and Buffy not to be sad.”

2 years old – Tiana at the mall with Mom.  She had two pieces of candy and was just opening up one piece to eat when she noticed another girl watching her.  She went and gave her the other piece.  The other Mom was so shocked she gasped.

Is that not the cutest thing you've ever heard!?  

2 years old – out in the hall at church.  She sees the Sunbeams heading into Primary.  She folds her arms and tries to walk in with them.

2 years old – walking through a park with Mom.  A very handsome young adult was talking to a group,  when he stopped mid-sentence and said, “Look at that pretty girl!” about Tiana.

I like that my mom mentioned his level of attractiveness, definitely an important detail to add to the story. Handsome young adult men thought I was good looking... at least... back when I was 2. :)

2 years old – walking with Mom around the block.  A boy scout is riding his bicycle.  He stops and tells me Tiana is very pretty.

Apparently the boy scout was not significantly good looking.

3 years old – Tiana reading a book called Possum come a’ knockin’ out loud while Kayli sat there slobbering/teething:   
“Grandma was a knitting,
And Kayli was a spittin’,
When a possum come-a-knockin’ at the door.”

3 years old – sitting by Mom on the couch says, “Your eyes are like a pool that people go swimming in.”

Child prodigy poet.

3 years old – Tiana was a very observant child.  Right when we entered Grandma’s house she said, “Grandma, you finished your picture!  It’s so pretty!”  None of the rest of us had notice the needlepoint work that was done on the piano bench.

3 years old – again observant.  Grandma, you put up new drapes!”  I hadn’t even noticed the new curtains at the back door but they were the first thing to catch Tiana’s eyes.

3 years old – as related to me by Bart Manwaring, Kurt’s dad.  Kurt had been blind since birth and didn’t like coming to church.  He and Tiana were lining up to go to Primary and Tiana went up to Kurt in the hall.  She said, “Hi, my name is Tiana,” and took his hand.  She said something else that was inaudible and Kurt turned to her and said, “I love you too.”

Okay, I lied.. THAT is the most adorable thing you've ever read!  Am I right?? AM I RIGHT?!??!?

3 years old – was very concerned about Mary being married to Joseph because Heavenly Father and Mary had Jesus.

3 years old – When Dad was going to ride on a bareback horse with Tiana for a few steps, he started sliding off the side and held Tiana up high so she wouldn’t hit the ground.  She didn’t know Dad had fallen off, she just thought that he had helped her down because she was frightened.  She turned to Dad and said, “Thank you, Daddy, THANK YOU!!!”

Is anyone else curious about why my Dad and I were riding on a bareback horse?

3 years old – Dad wanted to take Tiana rafting with him, Melanie Cloward, and Traci Wilcock.  Mom didn’t feel good about it and told Dad how she felt.  When Dad came back, he told them about how the river was running dangerously high and when they came to a bridge, a branch from under the water caught the raft and flipped everyone out.  Traci got caught in the branches and Melanie just headed downstream because she couldn’t swim.  Norm had to help Traci.  They were so glad that Tiana hadn’t gone because they were sure someone would have died if Dad had had to help Tiana too.  Once again she was protected.  

4 years old – At Walmart.  We were having picture taken in their studio.  A man stops his wife and says, “Look at that beautiful girl!”

I also love how many of my mom's memories were just people telling her how pretty I was. Great job mom! You've really produced some quality spawn. :)

5 years old – Watching a Sesame Street episode about different people to call when you have different problems, i.e. fireman when there’s a fire.  “If you need a grownup, Aunt Laurie’s the one to call.”

5 years old – after Mom highlighted her hair, she gave a blessing on the food…”And please bless Mommy to get rid of that hair!”

... apparently my bluntness is something I didn't just develop later on in life.

5 years old – “Feels like there’s a rock in my throat, but there really isn’t.”

5 years old – Tiana wonders why we even have holidays that don’t center around Jesus.  Asked if Valentines or Halloween have to do with Jesus and then said, “Then why do we have them?”

5 years old – registering at kindergarten, “There are too many boys in this school.”

Not an issue these days. Solved that problem when I decided to be a dance major. Cooties are no longer a hazard.

5 years old – about Christmas vacation. “Eleven days! What am I going to do for 11 days without school?”

Obviously Netflix hadn't been invented yet.

5 years old – Mom heard a strange noise and went into Tiana’s bedroom.  She found a heavy dresser  about to fall over except for a small lamp that’s cord was keeping it up.  Tiana had climbed up to get something off the top when it tipped over.  It should not have been standing at all.  She was protected that day.

6 years old – 1st time with homework.  “Yea!  I’ve been waiting for this day!  I hope we get lots more homework!”

Apparently dreams do come true... 

6 years old – Gave a talk in primary.  Came out all excited because she felt the Holy Ghost while she was giving her talk.

6 year old – Tiana is conducting at Family Home Evening.  It’s 8:30 pm on a school night in the middle of winter.  She says, “I’m in charge of the activity.  Okay everyone, get on your swimsuits and grab a towel.  We’re going swimming!”

7 years old – “Mom, can you please stop making chocolate chip cookies?”

Okay, okay let me explain this one! Growing up my mom always made loads of treats... and she went through this phase where for months she only made chocolate chip cookies... just took the variety right out of things! #firstworldproblems

7 years old – Dreamed that the moon turned to blood.

Okay, get ready because the cutest stories ever are about to come up regarding me and my first grade best friend / boyfriend. We were CUTE.

7 years old – Overheard by Laurel Terry.  Zack Terry has a talk with Tiana.  Tells her school is starting and he can’t talk to her because of peer pressure.  She says, “Okay, but when your friends aren’t around and mine are, maybe you could talk to me because my friends might think that’s cool!”

7 years old – Zack Terry to Tiana – “If you left for a whole week, my heart would break!”


7 years old – Zack Terry to his Mom – Zack: “If I’m going to date Tiana, I’m going to have to learn to listen better.  Laurel:  “Why?”  Zack – “Because she’ll be talking to me and she’ll ask me a question and I have no idea what she said.”

7 years old – As told by Sheila Nelson.  Zack and Tiana were working for their job jugglers business.  Tiana drops some rocks and dirt on the driveway.  Zack goes up to Sheila’s house and asks for a broom to clean up the mess he made.  He took the blame for her.

Chivalry is not dead! (or at least.. it wasn't in 1999)

7 years old – Tiana to Zack when sweeping.  “You do the big sweeping and I’ll do the detail work.”

10 years old – caught her skirt at a dance recital in her tights and danced with all eyes on her.  Afterwards, she came up and told us, “Well, now I know what to do to get everyone to look at me.”

UNDAPANTS. - 10 points to whoever can tell me in a comment what voice that is supposed to be read in.  (*hint hint*  I'm in love with this character from a 90's TV show.) 

13 years old – goes to assistant teach for Lynne Thompson.  Comes out feeling like Lynne wasn’t very happy with her because she hardly said anything to her.  Later Lynne called her mom to say that Tiana was the best assistant she’d ever had and that she could step out to talk to parents because Tiana knew exactly what to do and didn’t need any help.

15 years old – in seminary she is sitting by a boy with special needs.  Her face was mildly broken out and the boys says, “You’ve got a pimple right there… and there… and there… actually they’re everywhere!”

Thanks mom, I'm glad we have this memory saved... sure wouldn't want to forget about that incident!

15 years old – Tiana’s having a bad day.  Feels  like every other girl is beautiful and perfect.  She doesn’t have a chance!  Her Mom tells her that there are other people that are looking at her and feeling the same way.  She doesn’t believe it.  The next day in seminary, her teacher says, “Are you your parents’ favorite child?  It seems like you’re perfect and probably always have you room clean and homework done and everything!”


17 years old – Mom had dog treats on the table.  Tiana thinks it’s beef jerky.  She takes a big bite and looks confused.  Mom comes in and says, “Tiana, that’s dog food."  Her eyes got big and she starts spitting.

18 years old – Tiana:  I don’t like this dress length.  It’s right at my calves.  I don’t want everybody looking at my calves.  Dad:  Tiana, just let those boys know that your eyes are UP HERE.

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