Friday, May 2, 2014


Recently I've been thinking about all of the different sides there are to me, and all the different paths I might like to take in life.

There are parts of me that want to become a professional dancer/choreographer in some big city like New York.  After a few years I'd like to move on to get a Master's degree and teach at the collegiate level.

Some of me wants to travel the world, experiencing life in different cultures, and seeing what impact I can have on the world through my adventures.

There are pieces of me that want to be a professional, classy career woman.  One who plans events, or manages a company, or is a particularly talented admin.

I think the dream that has the most parts of me invested, is the dream of being a stay at home mom.  I want to focus on raising amazing children while serving in my church and community.

As I contemplated these different dreams I realized that all that I want cannot reasonably fit into one lifetime.

In short, I want it ALL... and I can't have it.

So with all these different pieces of me and potential paths to choose from...

How will I ever be truly satisfied?  How will I ever be complete?

I've realized that I have been blessed with different parts and dreams.  I have been given not too many pieces to be satisfied, but rather - enough pieces that I can choose almost any route and be fulfilled.

As my life progresses and a path does form, I will have two choices.   I can lament and wallow over every dream I'm missing out on, OR I can focus on the fact that I am living one of my dreams.

I am choosing today to fully embrace my path, whatever it may be.  I have decided to be grateful for whatever my life turns out to be, rather than resentful over what it is not.

Regardless of what comes, I have decided to allow myself to be satisfied. 

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