Sunday, March 30, 2014

Conquering the Beast

my shift key isn't being very cooperative at the moment, so please pardon the lack of capital letters in this post.

recently in a facebook group that I'm a part of, a girl posted asking for advice in conquering poor self esteem.  It got me thinking about how I deal with the self esteem beast when it comes around, and I thought I'd  share some of the things I realized:

1.The times I think most about myself are the times I have the worst self esteem.  when my focus is outward and upward (serving others and looking for the good in them, as well as building my relationship with Heavenly Father), my self esteem seems to automatically improve, simply because I'm not worrying about it so much.

2.if you are having a "nobody likes me because I'm ugly and fat and not talented or smart or special" kind of a day... I highly recommend saying and prayer and then writing whatever pops into your mind.  it can start out as a rant to your journal, just write.  it might feel silly to write some of the things that come to mind, but I'll tell you what, it is amazing what Heavenly Father will tell you about yourself when you take the time to ponder and write down your thoughts and impressions.  

3. sometimes when I'm having a really rough day, I text up one of my best friends and ask for some affirmations.   weird, I know.  asking for compliments sounds awkward, right?  it is.  it's a little awkward... but sometimes we're stuck in a cycle of negative self talk and need someone to point out some of our positive attribues to break us out of the cycle.

anyone else out there have any tricks for beating the self esteem beast?  I always like to have a few different tactics up my sleeve for when I come in contact with an enemy, especially when that enemy is myself.  :)

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