Friday, November 30, 2012

For your reading pleasure...

A few of  you have been asking for another post because my life is so exciting and entertaining that apparently all you want to do all day is read about it (tangent:  Thanks for that... no, really.  I appreciate the fact that my measly group of 20ish followers are so dedicated to reading this even though I hardly ever write anything. You folks are swell.

So.. you want a new post?

 .... well, too bad.  

My brain is at a very low functioning level right now due to my lack of sleep and the fact that I'm living on Carnation instant breakfasts and peppermint ice cream at this stage in my life.  I simply can't write anything worth wasting your time reading at this point in time.  

BUT... Never fear, dedicated stalkers!  I have not forgotten you and your need to be enlightened and entertained.  

Which is why I have provided for your reading pleasure... links to the following hysterical blogs:

Both of these blogs are fantastic.  Really, if you liked my crazies and marriage post, or any of my awkward stories about my single life, you will LOVE these.  

You're welcome.  

p.s. yes... I know I have run-on sentences and other grammar mistakes.  I see them. They're staying.  

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