Saturday, June 30, 2012

Happy things

disclaimer: Brogan and boring-blog dislikers  (notice that was boring-blog dislikers, not boring blog-dislikers) like him... you guys can turn away now.  This is a normal blog post, not stuffed with hefty amounts of laughter or inspiration.  Boring to the likes of you folk....

moving on to the actual post:

I've been a little gloomier than I would like as of late...  due mostly to the fact that I am working full time at a desk job instead of dancing all summer.  I apologize for those of you who have had to deal with my whiney facebook updates.  I decided it's time to look at some of the brightsides of my life, so here is a little happy list (idea stolen from elizakaye):

-I got to go camping this week for the first time in two years!  It was lovely.
-My family is great, but something about the outdoor air on camping trips always makes one person turn into the hulk.  This time we were avenger-free! (which is, in this case, great!)
-I have next Saturday off which means I can go buy clothes at yard sales (the only way I can justify spending money)
-I have a job!  Which equals... much needed money... which equals... less student loans... which equals... less hatred from my future husband (whoever he may be) and less stress.
-I'm wearing my favorite green cardigan today... feelin pretty lovely.
-I just had a delicious, nutritious berry shake.
-I am totally conquering this diet.  I haven't cheated once this whole week!  (This is huge for me, as those of you who know me know.....I have absolutely NO self-control when it comes to food)
-As a result of conquering the first week, I have lost 4 pounds.  *Makes fist like Napoleon Dynamite* chyesssss!!!
-As a result of losing 4 pounds, my pants are loose - physical evidence! *Makes fist like Napoleon Dynamite once again....*  Chyessss!!!!
-The smoke is starting to clear.
-My sister Special K and I have been sharing a room for a two weeks now, and not only are we both alive.  We haven't gotten in any quarrels yet... not even itty bitty ones.
-My laptop is completely virus-free!  (This is not normal for my little hp.)
-I started a great romantic novel yesterday - Seeking Persephone
-Work has been hilarious today - good times at the office.
-I have the best friends and family a girl could as for!  (I'm sorry that I can't hangout 90% of the time when you all call! I do love you- I'm just busy!)
-This break from dance will be good for all of my chronic injuries.
-Scriptures are awesome... as always :)


  1. yay not so boring blog post! I totally have ins with the author of Seeking Persephone. She is my brother-in-law's sister. Awesome person. Love her books. Love your blog. You are hilarious.

    1. for reals? Dang, aren't you special :) I love it so far... it's currently MIA somewhere between Springville and Payson, but the search will continue tomorrow! and thank you thank you, I chalk it up to my many mentors throughout my life ;)

  2. Replies
    1. Whoa for reals? I thought it would be too regular-blog-with-no-spice-y for your taste, but I am thrilled it wasn't! unintentional success! *Makes fist like Napoleon Dynamite once again....* Chyessss!!!! ... no go blog. I must be entertained.
