Monday, June 18, 2012

I think I've gone into thrifty overdrive...

The other day as I was gluing my shoe back together for the 5th time, sighing, wishing I could justify buying new shoes, I realized something...

I am GLUING my shoe (which was a hand me down) back together for the FIFTH time.  I think I'm justified in spending a little dough on somethin to cover my feet that isn't in constant need of mending. 

I then realized something.  As a poor, college student, I have gone into THRIFT OVERDRIVE.  I thought about it, and realized that the things I wear are probably unacceptable for someone who .... no, wait... they're unacceptable for anyone.

I've come up with a short test to help you all determind if you are also in thrift overdrive:

1. Have you bought less than 6 articles of clothing within the last two years?  (Aside from souveineers bought outside the US)

2. Do you wear clothing with stains in hopes that no one will notice?

3. Do you wear clothing with holes, but justify it as long as there are layers over it?

4. Are most of your jeans either too tight or falling off?

5. Has it been almost 3 years since you bought a pair of shoes that were not church shoes or boots?

6. Was it over 3 months from the time your last pair of boots got holes in them and would leak through to your socks, to the time you bought new boots? 

7. Are most of your jeans either too tight or falling off?

8. Do you own any non-workout shorts? ... If the answer is no, is it because you only owned one pair and when they were too destroyed to wear, but for some reason you couldn't justify investing in new ones even though it's the middle of the summer?

9.Does your mother frequently tell you that you will never marry as a result of your wardrobe?

10. Does your mother ever tear up at your wardrobe, and the fact that the clothes, not the person inside the clothes (aka YOU), are clearly the reason you're not in a relationship right now?

11.Do you ever get mistaken for a hobo?

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, you may be in the THRIFT OVERDRIVE zone.  If you answered YES to all of these questions... join my thrift rehab group.  

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